21st Century Teaching and Learning

Made with Canva.com One can say that 21 st Century Teaching and Learning is a transformation of technology, global information, and equipping varies learners. We are all aware that the view of teaching, as well as learning has changed. You would have to be hiding under a rock not to understand the way curriculums and learning modules have taken different turns. The new formation enables students in the classroom to be more creativity, better communicators, and make connections with real-world situations. While reading through the text, I was introduced to the new term educational designer. An educational designer introduces new and inventive ideas. Their mindset is all about new methods that can help diverse learners. They teach through creative ways and live for "aha" moments. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are casually known as the 3Rs. However, with the P12 Framework the 3Rs cannot be discussed without bringing attention to the 4Cs. I learned that the 4Cs are...