21st Century Teaching and Learning

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One can say that 21st   Century Teaching and Learning is a transformation of technology, global information, and equipping varies learners. We are all aware that the view of teaching, as well as learning has changed. You would have to be hiding under a rock not to understand the way curriculums and learning modules have taken different turns. The new formation enables students in the classroom to be more creativity, better communicators, and make connections with real-world situations. While reading through the text, I was introduced to the new term educational designer. An educational designer introduces new and inventive ideas. Their mindset is all about new methods that can help diverse learners. They teach through creative ways and live for "aha" moments.

Reading, writing, and arithmetic are casually known as the 3Rs. However, with the P12 Framework the 3Rs cannot be discussed without bringing attention to the 4Cs. I learned that the 4Cs are creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. I was introduced to the new dimension of Bloom Taxonomy that distinctively describes four objects, Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural, Metacognitive Knowledge. In addition to these four, I learn that these dimensions are enriched gradually during a student’s learning process.  In the past we learned that Bloom Taxonomy has help our information of cognitive developments on students. The new taxonomy helps us support curriculums and assessments. My attention was sparked by the idea of globalization and cultural pedagogy because I believe that each one of these effects the way children receive effective classroom education. With the help of Social media, web conferencing, and news that is transferred into the classroom by satellite, which helps children understand other places in the world and their culture.

During instructional planning and design, I learned teachers must take inconsideration that we must bring the outside world into the small classroom. Any teacher can try and improve the learning experiences of all their students. Teachers must be like mechanics, we must help students create something that is solid.  The “new ecology” shows us that technology changes rapidly and we as teachers should be aware of these changes. With this designed called TPACK, many educators can understand the domains and processes to teach effectively. TPACK can help teachers design positive learning environments and activities. These ideas go form PreK to 12th grade. I learned that we need to support these new technologies tools and models to create a better learning experience.  

Part II Evernote Strategy 

The possibilities are endless when using Evernote in the classroom. I would defiantly use it after my class has finished required reading. Evernote gives you the opportunity to use images and dissect literary text by using visual cues. Pictures of graphic organizers can be placed on Evernote so that students can write and construct notes. The students can review and assess their thinking; it is great for different learning styles. Students are able construct sketches and even use their own handwriting on Evernote. I feel like it is beneficial to students with different needs and can assist them with better learning techniques. As I said above, connection to graphic organizers with Evernote could improve and provide effective learning in the classroom. I am glad I was introduced to this application. I have always seen the icon on the app store, but I never took the time to investigate.    
Evernote Screen Shots


Kilbane, C. R., & Milman, N.B. (2014.) Teaching models: designing instruction for 21st century learners. Boston: Pearson. 

The image is captioned or credited as “Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by tpack.org” (or something equivalent)

Part III
Storybird is a great tool to use when instructing your students on the framework of TPACK. Storybird is a tool that helps children write, illustrate, and create their own stories. As a young child, I showed an interest in creating my own stories and developing my own characters. Storybird can be used with literature, science, math, or history content areas. Another great thing about Storybird is that children can communicate with other children around the world, globalization at its finest. Storybird allows student to connect with other children all over with their stories. Teachers would have to understand basic computer skills and understand certain concepts of the internet before using Storybird. In my opinion, teachers should gradually introduce directions on Storybird to your students. Then, introduce the topic of communication with students from different areas of the world or just the United States ; ). This application is great for Pre-K to 12th grade, I believe this application has something for all grades and ages.   

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