Innovator's Mindset Project

"My teacher cares about me." Empathetic- When students feel that the teacher cares, they tend to do better. In an empathetic classroom, the information that is delivered is understood and better learned by the students because she/he understands the students mentally and emotionally. We spend 8 hours or more with some students, we can make the time to understand them.
"I have a question." Problem Finders/Solvers-We must understand that solving a problem is only a piece of the learning. Everyone takes a different approach when it comes to learning. In the classroom, different learning styles take a different approach when solving and analyzing problems.
"This might not be the norm but I want to try it." Risk Takers-I think is amazing that risk takers can be created in the classroom. When our students take risk, we know that we are meeting them where they are academically. As innovators, we take the best approach necessary.
"You need to share." Network-When students share ideas with each other they can learn so many new things. We are always telling students that it is good to share. The old-fashioned face-to-face networking is always important, but we are in a social media world. We as teachers can take our own advice about sharing ideas. Blogs can be a great tool for teachers to exchange ideas and learn from each other.
"I can learn from others by watching." Observant- We learned that we can receive so many ideas from others just by connecting with our peers. I am a big TED Talks fan. I have learned so much from watching their videos. Not only do I learn new techniques for the classroom, I receive motivation to teach students. I also like reading anything that deals with the improvement of education, technology, or the enhancement of curriculums. We learn by watching and experiencing new things. Being an observant student and teacher will help with the Innovator's Mindset.
"I have a great idea!" Creators- Students can learn all day, but that doesn't mean they are learning anything. The learner acquires new skills to integrate with their knowledge that already exists. I am a hands-on learner so I understand that creating something can help with making a lasting connection, that is the importance of creation.
"Keep going and stay strong." Resilient-This one is really important because when creating these new innovations, some people will not like your ideas. They will be afraid of your new ideas and your adventurous projects. The "newism" can feel threatening when it comes to education. Resilience is a trait that should be acquired within all people, not just students, and teachers. Resilience gives us the chance to create things and change the world. Resilience is necessary!
"I should reflect so I can see if I need to make adjustments." Reflective- In my opinion, after any lesson, you must reflect on the positive and the negative. We should be asking ourselves questions and we should teach students how to ask themselves questions and reflect. When we reflect we are given the time to modify and change things.
Which Characteristics are important to you and Why?
All of these characteristics are equally important, but Resilience, Networking, and Empathetic, are the ones that standout while doing this project. Also, the reflective characteristic is another one because it helps you with the future teaching assignments and administering new ideas during the learning process. All four of these are equally needed for the success of a classroom. We are all working toward a greater goal for educating the future. The future needs more innovators in the classroom. We also need more students who are given the chance to share their ideas. Discussion is a must when it comes to understanding each other, so let us start in the classroom.
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